Now you might be thinking...Korean dramas? What? How? Do you even understand them?
Unfortunately the answer to that is no I don't but thankfully there are amazing people out there who subtitle everything into English to make it easier for people like mee!! So I first got into them in High school with my friends May who is Burmese and Garbo who is neither one of them is korean lol but we still sat there and watched all these shows in subtitle..the first one we watched together was My girl which was Hilarious and ow soo cute!!
Now again you're thinking but WHAT? there are shows like Glee, Vampire Diaries etc etc that you could be watching..and I DO! believe me I love those shows too but these dramas have a certain charm about them...I can't seem to stop watching when I start...! They are just so captivating, the stories they tell are so touching *the ones I watched at least*, they tug at every heart string you got *even tho i kno this is scientifically incorrect* and make you feel like you can't stop crying and smiling at the same time..
Plus, even though I am Asian there is a big culture difference and its just soo interesting to watch the differences in the way they interact and stuff...ow and THEIR FASHION omg I love their fashion sense I always have and always will...I love how coool and modern they look when they wear their clothes and only they can pull it off to be honest..
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2ne1 |
So anyway the one I certainly just finished was called 'Boys over Flowers' which is a south Korean Drama based off a Japanese comic I THINK..I'm not too sure...anywho I really really recommend it if you're a total sucker for love stories..I mean I was proper addicted to this.. every time I was on my laptop its like I couldn't help but watch a bit of it..its about this girl Gneum Jan Di and the story of how she got into this rich kid school and what happens when she meets this group the F4 and stuff....there's a great love triangle!! I really don't wanna spoil I won't say much but o.m.g I LOVED IT!
Now after watching the show it is VERY HARD not to fall in love with the characters because how well they are portrayed...even though each one of them appears all happy and content they all have their own story and their own struggles and the actors do a fantastic job at peeling back all the different layers these characters have to reveal their different dimensions..I was in a totally dreamy lovey mood at the end...I keep sighing every 2 mins!
The actors...LOL I dunno where to start...well the lead <3 Lee Min Ho <3 is HOT lol
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Lee Min Ho |
*FYI - for some reason I think asian *as in Korean, japanese..etc etc guys are quite good looking...they ooze coolness! lol* to be fair...they are all cute in their own way..the girl is very cute too! Very Charming..n omg so talented she's an actress writer director illustrator..the list goes on basically..
Anywaaaaaaaaaay me being the geek I am...I kinda youtubed everything and omg half of them are like pop stars in korea...especially the other lead actor..Kim Hyun Joong is like the leader of a boy band called SS501..who btw have quite good songs *yes i dont understand them but those have subtitles too n the beat is good so yeah lol* n OMG he can dance I was like woow *i sound 16*
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Kim Hyun Joong |
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SS501 |
Yes so I totally Geek-ed out and couldn't stop youtubing videos interviews bloopers and so on for a good 3 hours *gasp*...things like this really make me think WHY CAN'T I SPEAK KOREAN! but the shows help my basics so I'm getting there..
Right so I know this might have been totally random but I felt I needed to share my geeky-ness lol
Until next time!
Annyeong =)