Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Kdrama Update!!!


Ow yes I have been at it again!! Me and my TV shows..we're just inseparable and let me just get this out before I go conclusion is that Korean people REALLY know how to make good shows!!! I mean seriously good shows! Like tugging at every heart string, making me laugh out loud on the train on my way back home and make me cry all at the same time. The hot guys don't hurt either haha...So lets get started shall we...


1)  Personal Taste/ 개인의 취향. Staring Lee Min Ho (omg he's so hot...faint! lol) and Son Ye Jin (who is equally gorgeous!). 
I have recently like yesterday lol finished watching this...Okay lets start of with the when I first heard the synopsis I was a bit hesitant and didn't want to watch it straight away. Well that was a dumb thing to do lol because it was FANTASTIC!! 2nd favourite of all time after BOF..(isn't it funny LMH is in both hehe). So anyway its about this Architect Jeon Jin Ho who pretends to be gay in order to mean into Park Gae In's house.

Its a story of how they fall in love and how their live unfolds and how they bring out the best in each other. (Sigh)  So for those of you who are unlike myself and are not into the whole lovey dovey thing...this might not be your cup of tea but MAN did it hit the right spot with me. I mean I was awwing like crazy....and praying really really really hard to god to help me find a guy who would love me like that hahah! It was romantic and ow so funny at the same time. It was refreshing because it touched on a lot of social issues that are usually avoided like moving in together before marriage and the whole gay issue. It was done very tastefully and I loved every single minute of it! P.s the music was really good in this!

 Min's rating : 5/5

2) Mary Stayed out all Night/ 매리는 외박중. Starring Moon Geun Young and Jan Geun Suk.

So I watched this Drama a couple of weeks ago when May (My KDrama watching partner) recommended it to me. I was like well you don't need to convince me! haha so I started watching it not knowing anything about the synopsis or the story or anything. The story revolves around a girl called Wi Mae Ri who is being forced to marry a rich guy by her dad in order to clear his depths and the guy she truly loves Kang Moo Kyul. Its not awfully romantic and man do those 2 fight a lot. Its an edgier more real type of love story.

It was a very enjoyable show...I know I like it when I stay up until 4am watching it lol! It was good.. the story was a bit lacking and there was like a twilight situation where she found herself between 2 good guys who love her and then it turns into a quadrangle of love lol The Music was good in this...a bit repetitive at times but the lead actor sang most of the songs which I thought was pretty cool. I was a bit sceptical about their 'cool' or 'edgy' clothing tho..but who cares the guy wearing them was pretty cute! hehe 

Min Rating : 4/5

I've been watching the rest of my shows that consist of Glee, 90210, TVD, Nikita and the rest of it all that's on going. The new season of Greek came out too so I'm waiting to watch that! I've also accidentally watched an episode of life unexpected and now I'm it a good idea to take on another one? Maybe I can catch up while I wait for the other shows to come back from winter break or whatever its called...? lol << can u see how I'm talking myself into it? 

P.S -  so I'm knew at all the Kpop stuff so don't know much but I think I might be slightly obsessed with B2ST/ it wrong considering I'm older than old of them?? lol Their music is really good tho! Doesn't hurt that they're cute too :P 

Anyway that was my update for now! I'll keep who ever is reading this posted!
If you like what you read please subscribe or follow me...It'll make my day :) keke

Lots of love,


Tuesday, 11 January 2011

New start to life...Love it and yourself!


So the start of the New Year has been a bit of a rocky one for a lot of people. The world seems to be in chaos what with all the shooting happening in North of America, the floods in Australia...and personally there seems to be a lot of people around me leaving our world.

The weird thing was even though I didn't know them that well, their departure as well as the manner of their departure really got to me. I'm not a psychologist and have never been in a position to take my own life so I'm not going to sit here and preach about it. All I wanted to say is that they were amazing people in their own right. I can't imagine what must have been going on in their heads of their hearts for them to take such a big decision.

The world around us is so full of hatred and anger and disappointment, so many bad feelings that could make even the strongest of us crumble and fall. So I have decided since it’s the New Year I will TRY my hardest to make everyone in my life happy. Do whatever I can do to try and help who ever needs help and bring a smile to their faces. I'm not saying my life is perfect but I feel that I have enough happiness to share around with everyone. Share the love as they say!

However, before 'sharing the love' I think it is even more important for every individual to love THEMSELVES before expecting other people to love them. Everyone has imperfections...no1 is perfect but it is important for every person to look in the mirror and remember that something about you being here is special. You have a purpose in have not been put on earth for no reason. To you, you might not be important or feel worthless/incompetent whatever it is that brings you down... but you never know to someone else you might someday mean the world, you might be the catalyst to their change as well as yours. So never underestimate yourself, your beauty, your strength, you power and especially the power of your love!! 

Make sure you try and smile every day, look in the mirror and appreciate yourself. Appreciate the life you've been given no matter what situation you're in. Be thankful to god and know that someone is always watching over you even if you're the lone sole on top of a mountain.

I hope you all they stay happy, life your life to the fullest because its short you know and I wish from the bottom of my heart that you have beautiful days that make you smile! 

Lots of love!! 


Sunday, 2 January 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year everybody!!

I know its like 2 days late and all but hey  better late than never I guess! Its already almost the 3rd of Jan...seriously the days are going by too quick already!! hehe ^^

So once again I have been completely MIA and lost track of how long I haven't posted any updates on my blog! So lets quickly recap I guess ay...first of all ummmm I turned 22 years old eekk! I starting to feel it man! I went out to a really nice Morocco-ney restaurant in London with a bunch of my favourite people and then had ice creaaaaam in Hagen Daaz *best ice cream ever* in Leicester square! It was FREEZING COLD as it should be I guess lol it was the end of November!

Group picture!!! <3 Side note: the ceiling was like so low every time we stood up we would head butt one of the lanterns  haha!
Core 4!! hi5 ..These are the girls I can't live without! 
Can anyone guess who this is??!! Think Guest Blogger lol ;)

We also went to Go-Ape for Madhu's bday (the girl in white ^) which is like this outdoor group activity where you basically swing through trees - wearing a harness and stuff of course. It was soooo MUCH FUN even though it was like freezing and we were all shattered bruised and battered afterwards, we couldn't have enjoyed ourselves more!! It was terrifying at some points I had to breath in and out, calm myself down and just go for it! At the same time it was such a fun team building activity...and it definitely brought out the inner monkey in some of us hehe!

Core 4 getting ready to take on some trees! (yes I know we don't look glamorous we needed to stay warm and well get dirty without freaking out about clothes! lol)
Me un-attaching myself after the Tarzan Swing - yes I did try and do the voice and sounded totally weird! 
Me in between 2 giant trees!
Here we do look fabulous! Madhu's Bday dinner..
Ow yeah the bathroom picture! lol
After all that fun it was time for the Islamic New Year and so the start of the Holy Month of Muharam. The death anniversary of the Holy prophet's Grandson Imam Hussain (A.s) coincides on the 10th of this month, making this month especially important in our calendars. We usually spend most of this month and especially the first 10 days in mourning. -- Maybe i'll write a separate blog post on this -- it'll help explain what the whole event was about and how we commemorate his death each year.

Well now its the NEW YEAR yay!! 2010 was a very exciting year! A lot of things happened this year.. an even though it might not have ended in the best way possible... it is now time to concentrate on the future. Lets hope 2011 is the best year in our lives so far! Don't be afraid to go after what you want...dream big and never give up! Lets build a new unforgettable chapter in our lives and may you all stay happy and healthy!

One of the many new year's resolutions I've made is to keep this as updated as I can! lol which I will try my bestest best to do...and also to start off my own makeup youtube channel which I'm like so scared about...but I've been wanting to forever...Ill keep you posted on that one!!

Lots of Love,

